J.M. Snyder
45633 words
Loser. Outcast. Freak. At seventeen, the names no longer hurt Vince Sanford. He's different from others at his school and always has been -- the pep rallies, school dances, name-brand clothes and football games and fifth quarter parties, none of that interests him anymore.

There was a time when he did fit in, when his best friend had been Eric Somers, the most popular boy in school. They lived around the block from each other and were inseparable. It was never a question of was Eric eating over or was Vince staying the night -- they were one soul in two bodies, sharing two homes, two lives.

But something happened between them the summer before high school that tore their friendship apart, leaving Vince with an anger, a hatred, that he can't control. Now Eric wants back in his life again but Vince is afraid to give him a second chance.
Tags gay romance contemporary
Chapter 45
2021-12-28 14:55:33
He strikes out again and again. His fists hit shoulders, hands, legs. Eric’s chest, his neck, his face. God knows, his face, and his mouth, his eyes, his curls. Vince gouges into complacent skin, he p
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Latest Release: Chapter 45
2021-12-28 14:55:33
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